Friday, December 4, 2009

When My Glasses Fog Up

Today was a pretty straight forward day. i had tissues in every pocket (feeling a bit under the weather) and everytime i look down the bricks that are my mucus slam into my face. YAY! So, besides the constant sniffing and the threats of the inevitable disposition of my cats, i guess it was okay. i really hoped to come home and chill (like now) but soon i know the house will come alive when the Chef and the Butterfly and the Pokemon Master come home, and at five i have to be present at work with this hell of a cold.

AT LEAST, it is not Monday. Monday, i have the audtion which determines fate about the school musical, Once On This Island. and i want the lead (naturally) and have been researching and singing my audtion song since October. Strange, you say? no. i actually like to be determinded to get a role. it shows how fierce i am able to be. respectable. comending. So i have a goal. big deal... i know what i want and i want it when i want it. selfish, yes. but i cant help it. i dream about the role, for Christ's sake! i see myself singing. i see a spotlight. and i see those professors from Miami cheering for me. i feel it in my bones. im going to project that feeling out...!

TOday, the Smile asked me to change her name to the Energizer Bunny... i shall now refer to this sweet and insane girl as E. Bunny. So E. Bunny and Microphone are planning to hang out at the zoo tommarrow... i really want to you. however, the Bassist's parents are driving me and i dont know if i will have a ride. oh jeez. tired Mari. Tired tired Mari.

Me and E. Bunny in the Eight Grade. Look at those braces!!!! Actually she looks a bit scared of me!

I started Medusa today, that picture on my earlier post. its going to be insane! My art teacher really likes the graphic. i shall change it to be me!!!

Work tonight. Managing is a mean thing but at least i can get paid somewhat in ice cream. life goes on. and on and on and on... E. Bunny will be proud of me.

SO, frusteration and angst and violence and tissues and smiles and pain and antisipation and sleeping and ice cream for honor roll made up my day. yes, ice cream. those with a 3.0 and up get ice cream sundaes at lunch!!! you know your jelous. it comes like, once a year. the entire school gets really sugared up and i know those afternoon teachers just LOVE us. Sorry teachers. we got ICE CREAM.

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