Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sweet Victory!


on that note, it was a pretty bittersweet day. you have (example one) me finding out i did not in fact get the part i wanted, but a lesser (and fun) role. i mean, its a really fun role... i just dont really want it. i studied for the other one... well my license high has got me so happy that i just dont care at this point. i will keep my mouth shut. and be recognised as great in College.

The Flower had to pick me up. the E. Bunny and the Soprano were not the happiest campers. Poor Your Favorite Movie: he didnt even get a part. damn. today the most used word from the soprano was "Sucks".

So driving for the first time is a liberating thing. i mean, i left my house when i felt like it, jumped in the car, arranged my otter on my dash board, plugged in my iPod, and sang at the top of my lungs as i drove to school for my choir concert. i had the biggest cheesiest grin on my face ever. it made the week better. it made my month better. im free. IM FREE! and i topped it off at the Tim Hortons with a mint hot chocolate and chili :)

Love you all.

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