Monday, December 7, 2009

Those Days.

You know those days you wake up and you want to scream. i woke up this morning like BLAH. why am i awake? why? i know today isnt going to be the best day. i feel it in the air. i feel it in my bones. i feel it in my breath and my ankles and my clothes and my rings and my coffee. its like, so many freaking signs that are flashing neon NO DONT WAKE UP NO DONT WAKE UP at me and im still freaking doing it!!!

im just tired. im tired of fighting. im tired of trying to fight. i wish i could lay down and just let it all happen. but we all know life doesnt work like that.

so i just got back from the gym. thank god. i feel so much better. all that frusteration: its out the window for now. the dance audtions are tomorrow. and here comes the major screw up. bring it on.

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