Monday, December 21, 2009

The Things We Feel

As a nation, our bodies absorb it all. as a unit, we function horribly. i find myself one of the mass, fluidity controlling movement.
i absorb the lies and wails and laughs and cheats into my skin. the ink stamp stains my forehead. we walk. we trudge. we go on this long, vicious path to what seems right for us, towards the meeting ground of calm. tranquility.

i have none here.

my mind weaves in and out of rational. i try to live these dreams that have no meaning. no purpose. and if they do, why cant i see them? why am i hitting these roadblocks? why cant i find meaning! why am i lost!
i want to sleep better. i want to feel better. i wanna be worth something.

so i sit in these corners trying to piece together this puzzle i have been given. just life, in general. no love, no drama no grades complicate: its just this life. the purpose. and i dont like waiting.

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