Sunday, December 6, 2009

Slaves to the DJ and Out Of Control.

You know those days you wake up dreading the start to your day, and when you're in the mist of this day, you realize its going to be okay? Yeah. Welcome to that day.

Yesterday was the Central Area Thespian Conference. Joyous day. except that we had no cell phone service in the entire Bexley School. None of the moms could get a hold of their teens... which led to screaming. The Microphone and her sister got it first, then E. Bunny did, then the Passport and finally me. The Chef was pissed, rightly so, but i was tired and sick and she was just sick and tired. that never can go the right way. so it was just a clash, but E. Bunny gave me a ride home in her Bug, and i ate sushi and watched movies, texting the Bassist and the Flower.

I am happy to have those people. i especially am thankful for the Flower lately; she keeps my head on and controls me so i cease from planning to commit murder. thats a great talent. it takes a lot to do that. in turn, i help her get those too organized thoughts in slaker mode, while being a bad influence upon her. it does some good to be a bad influence. my theory is that i just want to have fun. i mean, im in high school and about to go to college. might as well get it all out so can settle down and not be a bad influence on my kids... wait. what if i encourage them to go ahead and live it up? i guess its inevitable that i be a bad influence.

"did you know that there are people in the world annoyed with all the other people in the world? and of all these angry people in the world, i am the angryest boy!!!!" - Hate Everyone by Say Anything.

i will be working today. i am a manager, but the upper levels have to be annoyed by me, and i admit i have been dragging my feet lately. its so tiring. i just dont have as much crazy determined work ethic that i used to. im trying. i just have so much otherwise on my mind. this weird obsession i have right now to be amazing on that stage is overtaking me. SAVE ME. its insane. its all i think about. for god's sake, i am not even thinking about guys! im seventeen! shouldnt i be more intent for a bf?
im the girl going, oh, you want to date? no, im good. i have an audtion next week. im lame. im so lame and its kay, because this is the rush i need. i dont need to be accepted by boys because of my daddy issues. my daddy issues have only spurred me to want to be called amazing and preety while im on the stage...

and in a couple of ways, that is worse.

1 comment:

  1. you are so right.. i was PISSED! but i am over it your blog!;}
