Thursday, December 3, 2009

Medusa. Period.

Everyone hear about the gorgon Medusa? Greek Mythology? hmmm? One look at this chick, and you would turn to stone.

Wanna know something scary?

I sorta think i may be her. Reincarnation. Reincarnation is a bitch. Because if it's true... i am going to be beheaded by a War Hero named Perseus and used as a weapon on a Greek Goddess's Shield.

Okay, before we jump to some crazy conclusions here, lets actually sit and think about this, reader.
Im an actress. I like to get up on that stage and share some art. Its my life. i feel complete up there... and i strive to turn people to stone. to freeze them and have them watch me in awe. I turn people to stone. you see my point?

I feel a calling to paint her. like, spread her out on a canvas and have at it. some splashing and shading and stippling and all that jazz. it would just... pour out of my finger tips. oooh the feeling of the brush in my hand. and the colors. and the grays and the greens and the reds! you have goosebumps also?

( )
ok. you know she is kinda cool looking. and my hair is crazy, just not AS crazy. and it doesnt bite. but it is known to hide and hold pencils!

So im texting as i write this. i dont know what my friends will think if i write their names, so i will call him The Bassist.

matter of fact, here is a list of them that might pop up:
The Bassist
The Flower
The Soprano
The Chili Pepper
The Truck
The Passport
The Suburu Driver
The Sewing Shear
The Candle
The Smile
The Piano
The Guitarist
The Microphone
The Panda

My Parents:
The Chef
The Dictator

My Siblings:
The Pokemon Master
The Butterfly

Awesome huh?

Well the Bassist is mad at his fam now, and truthfully im tired of it too. i didnt pass my drivers test (maneuverability. embarrassing. i cried. a lot.) and he did. we could be free and driving... but his parents dont really want to let him go, which is understandable to any adult but to us? its EXTREMLY STUPID.
just another one of these things that really get you down.

Oh well. Back to Medusa. im not a feminist. im not a really ( that much) idiotic person. But seriously, turning people to stone really is a talent i aim for. i may have to work on turning them back though... applause? sounds perfect.

So, in my own insane opinion, i believe we actors should all strive to be Medusa. If you are not an actor, well, maybe you guys are destined to be the Perseus. Yes. I believe that is true.

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