Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will I Be Known as the "Overdramatic Pill Popping College Freak"?

i am convienced i have an anxiety disorder. like, for real.
i've taken like ten tests in the past hour that ive answered very truthfully on, and on a scale of 1 to 100 in always an 85. it makes sense, as i freak out in new enviornments, but cover it up by being extremly outgoing to cover it up. i grind my teeth, whih causes headaches and my tmj. i record my schdule in three different ways to manage time, and refuse to divate from it. i set two alarm clocks. i freak if plans r changed, like totally flip. i need to have things organized but cleanliness is not my top priority, and thats okay. i need control constantly.and its only gotten worse with moving here to college.
and theres even more evidence to that!!!
Its insane!

So what else is new? hahaha!

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