Monday, November 8, 2010

The City Misses You. (Homesick)

Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the city misses you.
i hear it cry in the rain it drops
and in the wails the wind releases at night.
Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the trees miss you.
i taste in the the fruit it bares
and in the rustle of leaves under feet.
Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the sidewalks miss you.
the cracks seem to swallow the landmarks around us
and the grass seems to avoid growing.

Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
Everything misses you.
with the meloncoly colors of the sky and the flowers
i can't bare to not say it anymore.
Screw the metaphor.

Do you know how much this individual misses you, my dear?

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