Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Song Stuck in My Head...

"Cheap wine and cigarettes,
this place is always such a mess.
Sometimes i think i'd like to sit
and watch it burn."

Monday, November 29, 2010

Acting Concept.

Be I animal, place, object, or person,
be i abstract, a who, a where, a why, or a how,

i am a metaphor.

Friday, November 26, 2010


So ive figured out that is something about thanksgiving that makes it really good or really bad for people. Facebook has brought forth this discovery.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Are You Carrying a Textually Transmitted Disease?

You know you've been textually active when 'lol' becomes part of your everyday language.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Insomnia FTW.

Well hi, four am. Its been about 72 hours. How ya been?

Saturday, November 20, 2010


We are most innocent when incompasitated... This is what the world portrays.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will I Be Known as the "Overdramatic Pill Popping College Freak"?

i am convienced i have an anxiety disorder. like, for real.
i've taken like ten tests in the past hour that ive answered very truthfully on, and on a scale of 1 to 100 in always an 85. it makes sense, as i freak out in new enviornments, but cover it up by being extremly outgoing to cover it up. i grind my teeth, whih causes headaches and my tmj. i record my schdule in three different ways to manage time, and refuse to divate from it. i set two alarm clocks. i freak if plans r changed, like totally flip. i need to have things organized but cleanliness is not my top priority, and thats okay. i need control constantly.and its only gotten worse with moving here to college.
and theres even more evidence to that!!!
Its insane!

So what else is new? hahaha!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank You BOT 155

The flowering dogwood trees are starting to change color. This makes me happy.

Reading a Graduate Student's Short Story.

...It's like taking a cheese grater to the heart.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spell Check.

Would'nt life be easier if there was
a built in spell check for our lives?
our triumphs? our hatred? our winnings? our dispair?
I could lay down my life how i please,
and at the click of the button,
change the way it was to the correct rendering.
because i'm sick of looking back...
with spell check i could go forward.

Friday, November 12, 2010

As i Watch One...

Why can't life be like opera?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Need Out.

The days are becoming a huge blur. So fast..... Thank god.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's Not a Big Deal.

Bad times, bad times, we all go through the bad times
and inside,
it tears us apart.

He turns to her, hoping for a warm body to lean against
but she's just a shadow
no more.

She's trying to offer what she can,
but after offering it all
what is left?

Bittersweet sunsets, angst against the morning, we all fall down,
and outside,
faces crumple.

She is paralysed to a state of loss and diminishing,
but all he can do is be distracted
not his fault.

He's all ears and eyes he thinks,
but reality is a bitch,
ain't it?

cinnamon sugar afternoons with a touch of blasing sun, we all squint.
and in between,
understanding takes place.

She realizes the feelings can pass,
he realizes that truth is never found.
they can overcome.

He takes her hand, she takes his,
what is there to fight about,

Fucked up mornings, screwed up days, lonely evenings,
we all go through hell
and in the end,
all thats left is you and me.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The City Misses You. (Homesick)

Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the city misses you.
i hear it cry in the rain it drops
and in the wails the wind releases at night.
Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the trees miss you.
i taste in the the fruit it bares
and in the rustle of leaves under feet.
Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
the sidewalks miss you.
the cracks seem to swallow the landmarks around us
and the grass seems to avoid growing.

Do you know how much the world misses you, my dear?
Everything misses you.
with the meloncoly colors of the sky and the flowers
i can't bare to not say it anymore.
Screw the metaphor.

Do you know how much this individual misses you, my dear?

Food Faces In Everyday Places!

Started a new blog for a hobby: Food Faces in Everyday Places.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Animal Observation Project for THE 131

This poject makes me miss writing stories like i used to. i used to love breathing life into characters with the ink i worte with. now, for college, i get to do that with spine shape and breath. amazing.