Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Parfum Pour Les Corps.

so my charger broke.
and its ridiculous... wires everywhere, frusteration.
i backed over a blue post with the Tank... pulled off my front bumper. the dictator screwed it back on by A: pushing my tank into a dumper to pop the bumper on, B: using washers and screws and a drill to hold the bumper in place, 6 to be exact, and C: making me a frankinstein car. ROCK ON.

ive also been educating myself, of course. can you say, toni morrison? best author ever... im captivated by Song Of Solomon. i really am. it is so provoking... its like listening to her speak. if anybodys ever heard her speak, you understand how magnifiecent it is just to hear her. i wish i could bottle her voice. just, carry it around and use it if i need to capitvate a certain person out there, you know, one of those puzzle pieces. woot.

that, my marketing friends, is what you need to sell me. Eau de toni. i will buy, buy some more, and keep on buying. i'll never stop!

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