Wednesday, July 18, 2012

When You Go

When you go
You will take a part of me with you
and its not necessarily a part I wanted you to take.

My home has been less of a home
These past couple of years
and without you in it, its no longer a home.

I feel like its nothing new
Yet I feel its too different for me right now, and I
Have to be a jerk and ignore it.

I try and I try to forget about
what the environment is coming to,
However, indifference, has stopped coming easily.

I am great at straight faces,
avert the eyes and gaze down, but when I leave, walk
out the door, I lose the battle.

The sting in my eyes makes me stop
I merely breathe a bit faster
then go on, barely able, but I keep going.

When you go,
You will take a part of us with you
And its what I know is necessary, you will take.

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