Wednesday, July 18, 2012

When You Go

When you go
You will take a part of me with you
and its not necessarily a part I wanted you to take.

My home has been less of a home
These past couple of years
and without you in it, its no longer a home.

I feel like its nothing new
Yet I feel its too different for me right now, and I
Have to be a jerk and ignore it.

I try and I try to forget about
what the environment is coming to,
However, indifference, has stopped coming easily.

I am great at straight faces,
avert the eyes and gaze down, but when I leave, walk
out the door, I lose the battle.

The sting in my eyes makes me stop
I merely breathe a bit faster
then go on, barely able, but I keep going.

When you go,
You will take a part of us with you
And its what I know is necessary, you will take.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Making headway on the career path. Taking some time to think about my emotional paths these days. It makes sense, but doesnt make sense. Hmmm.