Wednesday, April 20, 2011

MY 4/20.

You know that feeling of being betrayed and talked about behind your back for a while when you thought you were getting along with everyone and was finally fitting into your envoirnment?
Welcome to my last two weeks of freshman year.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Madusa Forgotten.

Wtf Madusa? Where have you been? I swear you used to be the influence of my painting, and now, you've been gone from my thoughts...

I still want to paralyze the audience with my gaze. i still want to paralyze with my influence.

I need a little more Madusa in my life again it seems.


Was just entertained by reading wikipedia's list of female serial killers... Females are not as unique and deranged as males can be. In my opinion.
They fall into four catagories: accomplice, nursery home mercy killer, children/husband killers, or physic/cult fantiac...
I don't know why this bothers me but feminists must be disgusted with female serial killers... They honestly do have a profile. Nothing extremely unique. Don't ask me how i would function as one, but I think mine would be like a musical: every one has something a little different.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The People Around Me

So much drama in a little space...
One day, it will all combust upon itself.
The catayst to it is raging around me...
Headache. major headache.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Damned Body

My body likes to hold back sicknesses until after performances... However, this time, my body is not used to two weekends of performances. I wish my body was smarter... it needs to know that i still need it!

it's not time to shut down yet!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Reign It In.

After all, I did idolize you.

After the downpour of unconcentrated,


unforseeable hatred fell upon me

I began to lose my way and

cried everytime I began to cave in upon myself,

resembling a crumpled mess of fabric in the corner where I was

abandoned, picked up, abandoned, picked up.

Will I ever tell you how much you've hurt and helped me in my journey? No. Because in telling, I will burst into

a million pieces at your face of speaking

aloud my silent pain.

If your not stable, I'm not stable.

I've kept it inside of me so long its fused itself

into my intestines and

buried itself into my brain

and grew into my nerves.

It causes my hands to shake and nausea.

It causes me to ignore everything and anything,

and supress it when it begs to be let out.

And the worst part is that it is not you.

The worst part is that you don't know your doing it.

And when you do, I know its not actually you,

but someone else inside of you trying to break free.

So simple, yet so complex.

I will keep it to myself as that is my way of life.

I just hope you're fixed before I lose myself.

For the things that don't kill us don't make us stronger:

they only deterioate our minds until our body has to end the pain.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

WIZ Weekend

intresting weekend. Ridiculous. The first weekend of my first procduction in College is over. We all have stories, pictures, and tummy aches to prove it (thank DP DOugh and Chipotle). We all are sleep deprived and extremely proud of ourselves. All are excited for the future. All are terrified for the future.