Thursday, December 2, 2010

Free my Butterfly.

there is a certain crispness in the air.
i feel it everytime i step outside
and breathe.
i feel you out here,
how you intertwine yourself in my sight
when my eyes are closed, tight, shut.
its a messed up feeling inside of me
i feel it in the cheeks when i bite
the inside of my mouth, suppressing
how i feel, what i long to say.
just stay away from me.
you're tearing me apart
as you mold me like clay on a wheel
i feel my identity being stripped away.
bare, bricked, boom, im down on the floor
pieces of my skin and brain and eyelashes
pushed and grinded into the rug
shredded like a moth by the flame in which it flies...
just walk away.
im tired of being destroyed.
im tired of trying so hard.

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