Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sometimes I Feel Like a Failure (05-13-10)

Sometimes i feel like a failure.
life has been a tug of war, and i am
pulled to lose, whether i want to or not

subtly pulled by an invisible thread of light
with an unwillingness to actually wake in the morn
sometimes i feel like a failure.

although sometimes, i gather my strength and leap
it seems the inch i percieved is a really a mile, and i'm
pulled to lose, whether i want to or not.

possiblities pass you by, the days seem endless.
my emotions are pulled too and fro like a pendulem-
sometimes i feel like a failure

Everything else just doesnt appear to matter
if i lose myself in my focus, and if i lose it i'm
pulled to lose, whether i want to or not.

I'm disappointed in myself, others disappointed in me.
i'm silently screaming, forlorn and lost in sadness.
sometimes i feel like a failure
pulled to lose, whether i want to or not.

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