Sunday, December 11, 2011

when I get Worried

When I get worried I make a huge deal out of something that isnt important and I dont say anything at all to what is actually a huge deal to me.

Some mysteries in the brain of a woman I will never understand. I am not immune.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Further Down

Because I said what I said, I am even more unhappy than i thought it would be. I need to take things one step at a time. I'm so alone.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I was on this happy high of life because I felt so confident. And then i realize, I cut my life off for you, but I dont get i back. I am settling because I am afraid to go further and to lose you. and now that I have told you.


It just hit me that my life is apparently nothing. because I wont let it be what I want it to be.

All of a sudden I feel so. alone. because everyone else I know has that support of arms and heart, and I am so far. and there is no compromise. and I let myself lower myself because I thought I was happy.

I think I am happy.
am I?