Thursday, November 17, 2011


My mother was right when she said love is about patience. I've only seen my love four times this semester in person. and I have to wait until Sunday to be able to see him for an hour. But after all that waiting and pain, those moments turn out to be some of the best memories of my life.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I will sleep with a smile on my face because of this opening night

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tricking for Treating

Can one trick the body into being what it wants to be?

For instance, can I trick my body into feeling full? Can I trick my mind into being free? Can I trick my skin into being clear? Can I trick my lips not to chap?

Illusions seem to be the best thing for people. It keeps the world turning: the influence and illusions the media plays on us, the illusions our parents pull when trying to hide information, and even the illusion played on us during peek-a-boo.

I want to trick my body into believing I can achieve my goals.

Give It My All

If I am befuddled, stressed, overcome with work, misrable, financially unstable, worthless, struggling, mean and sad- why would i force that onto somebody i love?

I am stable enough, goal oriented, experienced, career driven, successful, happy, anxious to live- wouldnt that be the right time to bind myself to someone for forever? To be able to give them my whole self? to no be worried about grades or image or obligations... just to be worried about normal life? isnt that the greatest gift to give to a husband? yourself?

I will wait. waiting sucks, but i will wait. waiting will make it work. waiting will make me fall deeper and deeper in love each day.